How Do Pediatric Dentists Fill Cavities?

How Do Pediatric Dentists Fill Cavities?

Cavities in children are more common than you may think. Reports show that about 23% of kids ages 2 to years old have cavities in their primary teeth. If your child is among them, you need to see Dr. Angie Sage for a consultation. She will examine their teeth and most probably recommend a pediatric filling

Here's how they work.

Why Is Treating Baby Tooth Caries Important? 

You may wonder why you need to treat cavities in baby teeth since they are not permanent. 

For starters, untreated tooth decay can cause significant pain and discomfort. Over time, it can also lead to more serious dental problems such as abscesses or infections. 

But, besides the immense discomfort cavities can cause, baby teeth are also essential for your child's long-term oral health. They hold the space for permanent teeth and help guide them into the correct position. If a child loses a tooth too early due to decay, it can affect the positioning of the permanent teeth, leading to crowding or misalignment.

Prematurely lost baby teeth can also affect their speech and their ability to chew properly, leading to nutritional issues if they avoid certain foods.

How Do Pediatric Dentists Fill Cavities? 

Treating a pediatric cavity doesn't differ too much from treating a regular cavity. Here's what will happen during your child's appointment: 

  • First our San Antonio pediatric dentist will make sure the child is comfortable. She will explain what's happening in a child-friendly way to help reduce any anxiety the child might feel. She will then numb the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic so that your little one doesn't feel anything. If they are very anxious, she may recommend sedation dentistry to help them stay calm. 
  • Once the area is numb, Dr. Angie will use a small, specialized drill to remove the decayed part of the tooth. The goal here is to remove all the decay and bacteria to prevent further decay.
  • After the decayed material is removed, the dentist will clean the area to ensure no bacteria or decay is left behind.
  • Dr. Angie will then fill the cavity with a dental filling material, which can be made of composite resin or different amalgams.
  • Once the cavity is filled, the dentist will finish and polish the tooth to make sure it's smooth and won't interfere with the child's bite.

What Happens After the Treatment 

Your child will still be under the effects of the anesthesia for a few hours, but once they go away, they will likely experience some minor pain and discomfort. This is normal and can be managed with pain medication. Make sure to only give your child soft foods and drinks, ensure they chew on the other side of the mouth, and be careful about their oral hygiene. 

Does Your Child Need a Filling? 

If your child has a toothache, book an appointment with Dr. Angie Sage from Alamo Heights Pediatric Dentistry

You can get in touch with us online today!

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